Friday, April 27, 2012

5 Green Tips from Green Lotus Yoga Studio and Green Alliance

This week’s tips come from Lona Kovacs of Green Lotus Yoga Studio in Dover:

1. There are a ton of things you can do with your old yoga mat! Cut it up and use pieces to line drawers and cupboards, to protect your knees in the garden, as pads for table or chair legs, or to make little mouse pads or jar openers!

2. Or, why not donate your mat! Nursing homes can use them to help make it easier for residents to get in and out of bed, and animal shelters are always looking for soft, durable surfaces to line their crates and make the critters more comfortable!

3. Why not repair your old clothes? At home, I've enjoyed taking my old garments and getting them repaired at a tailor, instead of getting rid of them.

4. Don't just compost food scraps! At our studio, we've started composting tissues and other paper products along with any food. As long as they're unbleached, their safe enough to be turned into garden-ready soil!

5. Look for gently used furniture, instead of buying new! Like the book case we just put into the studio! By seeking out perfectly good used furniture -- vintage pieces made from re-claimed railroad ties, barn-board, old pallets, etc -- you'll not only help keep it out of the landfill, you'll be saving money that can then be spent at local businesses!

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