Monday, April 2, 2012

St. Thomas Aquinas High School Students Build Cardboard City

At last count:
The student population of St. Thomas Aquinas is 635.
The population of Dover is 28,693.
The population of New Hampshire is 1,318,194.
The population of homeless teenagers in the United States is 1,682,900

Recently 37 St. Thomas Aquinas students gave up a Friday night to share, in a small way, the experience of those 1.6 million teens by becoming “homeless” themselves for a night. Sponsored by the school’s Campus Ministry Team, the students build “Cardboard City” in the STA parking lot, where they spent the night.

"Cardboard city was one of the hardest things I’ve done. Not because it was cold, or hard sleeping in a box for the night, but because it showed me how hard some people have it in life. Not knowing where you will eat your next meal, or even if you will have a next meal is very sad." - Hannah Schwoerer, senior

Before participating in this meaningful event, each student raised a minimum of $100. Together, this group of committed students raised over $5000. Of that amount, $1000 will be used to support the work of local homeless shelters, while the remainder goes to support St. Thomas’ work this summer with Young Neighbors in Action (YNIA).

In many ways, YNIA was one of two guiding forces behind the St. Thomas Aquinas efforts to gain a deeper understanding of the plight of the homeless. The other is the school’s efforts on behalf of Lazarus House Ministries, which also serves the homeless.

When engaged with both programs, students provide labor, tutoring skills and yard work; they serve food and work with children. STA students who have participated in these programs have called it a “life-changing experience.”

"As I lay in my cardboard box that night, I felt the cold, discomfort , and loneliness that many must suffer through every night. However, I had something that many homeless do not. Though I was physically hurting, the knowledge that I had a warm breakfast, loving family, and comfortable bed awaiting me in the morning warmed me. It was this hope that made me experience many times more bearable than the suffering that many homeless must endure." - Walter Hutcheson, junior

Because of those efforts, students realized that they needed to know more about the struggles and hardships of the lives led by the homeless. And so, when the idea of a Cardboard City was first proposed, there was an enthusiastic response.

Spearheading the project were senior Emily Keane and junior Meaghan Flynn. In addition, a dozen adult volunteers chaperoned through the night, and many student came in to cook and serve dinner and breakfast. For 37 committed, caring students, it was the perfect opportunity to learn, serve, and grow as a community.

"Cardboard City was a great experience because it gave me the opportunity to mentally connect with the homeless. Although I knew I would have food the next morning, the feeling of solidarity with sleeping in a cardboard box was profound. It was very worthwhile to join with others of the St. Thomas community to raise awareness for homelessness by joining with them for a night." - Abby Merrigan, junior

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