Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Back Row (Pictured from L to R): Tim White, Lauren Verge, Brandon Leavitt, Charlene Beaulieu, Nicole Huntress
Front Row (Pictured from L to R): Nancy Stalzer, Virgie McQuade, Michelle Brown, Sarinya Ball, Amber Fecteau

Staff Members Volunteer at Local Organizations
(Rochester, NH) – A team of ten HRCU staff members recently took part in the United Way Day of Caring. The staff was divided into two teams that visited local non-profit organizations in Rochester, NH; The Homemakers Health Services and the SHARE Fund to help out.
At the Homemakers Health Services, a charitable, full service, health care agency that provides complete and professional healthcare; HRCU team members helped with painting, landscaping and moving files into storage.

“The staff at the Homemakers Health Services was very appreciative of our help and thanked us,” says Brandon Leavitt, team leader. “We enjoyed making a difference, meeting new people and learning the history of the organization.”

At the SHARE Fund, a charitable, volunteer outreach program that offers a variety of material and financial support to individuals and families in need; the other half of our team helped with organizing and sorting clothes and painting.

“We had a great time assisting the SHARE Fund with different projects such as painting and sorting donation items,” says Nancy Stalzer, team leader. “This opportunity gave us a behind the scenes perspective of how this organization serves the community.”

For more information about these organizations if you are interested in donating, please visit their websites at www.thehomemakers.org and www.sharefund.org.

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